
Notion for Students

Notion is your all in one productivity app!
Notion for Students
Photo by Sigmund / Unsplash

Notion for Students: A Comprehensive Guide to Staying Organized in School

From class schedules to project deadlines, research references to study notes, and more, academic life can be a whirlwind of information. With the right tool, however, students can wrangle this informational chaos into a system that supports their success. That's where Notion comes in.

Notion is a productivity app that offers a dynamic solution for keeping track of pretty much everything. By understanding how to leverage its features, students can revolutionize the way they handle their academic tasks. Here's a guide on how you can use Notion to stay organized in school.

Understanding Notion

Notion's utility comes from its flexibility. It combines note-taking, project management, databases, and collaborative tools in one space. By integrating these different functionalities, it becomes a powerful digital assistant for any student.

Setting Up Your Workspace

Notion operates around the idea of 'pages' and 'blocks'. Pages are the fundamental structure of your workspace. Blocks, on the other hand, are individual elements you can add to your pages, like text, images, checklists, and more.

Start by creating a page dedicated to your academic life. You can further break this down into pages for each class or semester, depending on your preference. Each of these pages can then contain blocks that cater to your needs.

Class Pages

For each class you're taking, create a separate page. Here you can store your syllabus, class schedule, lecture notes, assignment deadlines, reading lists, and more.

Use Notion's 'table' or 'board' feature to create an assignment tracker. You can add columns for the assignment name, due date, status (not started, in progress, completed), and notes. This will give you a quick overview of all your assignments and their statuses.


Notion's robust text editor makes note-taking easy and interactive. You can insert headings, bullets, checklists, code snippets, quotes, and even links to other pages or websites.

Additionally, you can use the 'toggle list' feature to create collapsible headings and subheadings. This makes revising your notes much easier as you can hide or reveal information as needed.

Studying & Revision

Notion also supports the creation of flashcards using the 'toggle list' feature. Write the question on the visible part of the list and the answer as the hidden part. When revising, you can click to reveal the answer, making it an effective tool for self-quizzing.

You can also use Notion's 'linked database' feature to create a centralized space for all study materials from different class pages, helping you revise efficiently when exams come around.

Group Projects

Notion shines when it comes to collaboration. If you're working on a group project, create a shared page and invite your classmates. You can create a project timeline, assign tasks, share resources, and more, all in real-time.

Beyond Academics

While Notion is excellent for academic organization, it doesn't have to stop there. You can also use it to manage other areas of your life. Create pages for personal goals, hobbies, book lists, travel plans, or anything else you need to track.


With its vast array of features, Notion can be a little intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it becomes an invaluable tool for staying organized. From the organization of course materials to collaboration on group projects, Notion empowers students to manage their academic lives effectively. By incorporating Notion into your workflow, you can turn the whirlwind of information into a structured, manageable system that can contribute to your academic success.

About the author
Devon Taylor

Devon Taylor

Devon Taylor is long-time educator with years of experience in educational technology. He currently serves as the Assoc. VP & CIO at Shenandoah University.

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